【同义词辨析】 2018-01-22 高尚upright-honorable

upright: implies strict adherence to moral disciplines: ministers of the church must be ~ and unimpeachable.

honest: stresses recognition and adherence to such virtues as truthfulness, candor and fairness: doctors must be ~ with the terminally ill.

just: stresses conscious choice and regular practice of what is morally right and equitable: a reputation for being ~ in all business dealings.

conscientious: implies an active moral sense governing all one's actions and stresses painstaking efforts to follow one's conscience: ~ in doing all the chores.

scrupulous: like conscientious, connotes action of moral sense in all one's doing, but distinctively it stresses meticlulous attention to details of morality and conduct: ~ in carrying out the terms of the will.

honorable: sug. a firm holding of code of right behaviour and guidance of honor and duty: the ~ thing would be to resign my position.

upright高尚:严格的道德原则, honest诚实: 真实诚恳公平, just正直: 正义(right=just)和公平,conscientious尽心的: 认真按照良心办事 ,scrupulous尽心的: 同上条,还强调关注细节, honorable荣誉: 坚守职责荣誉(同根词解释,少见)

记忆方法: 1)首字母联想,UHJCSH: JU CHeng SHi: 巨诚实==> 高尚